Museum Romagne 14-18 in pictures
All photo’s © Marco Magielse

To the Museum

Museum Entrance

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Jean Paul guiding a visitor

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Talk in the Museum

Talk in the Museum

Performance in the Museum

Talk in the Museum

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Interior of the museum Romagne 14-18

Jean Paul talking on his School Tour

Woods around Romagne

First World War Reeanactor in the Mueseum

Jean Paul and his artificial 'brother'

Jean Paul showing his war relics to his audience

Jean Paul showing barbed wire to his audience

Jean Paul taking a group to the battlefields

Jean Paul

Jean Paul guiding a group around the Argonne Cemetry

Jean Paul showing the remnants of a German bunker

Romagne surroundings

The road to Romagne

Attentive audience during a Jean Paul War Talk

Argonne Cemetry at Romagne

Dinner at the museum after a long day

Jean Paul in search of war relics