Museum Romagne newsletter January
Dear friends, donors and all who have a warm heart for Museum Romagne 14-18!
We are proud to present the first ‘new style’ newsletter of our Romagne 14-18 museum. In this newsletter we give you updates on the developments in and around the museum, our plans, prospects and the news from the board of the Friends of Romagne Foundation.
It is not without reason that we say our museum. If anything has become clear during the past difficult year, it is that Museum Romagne 14-18 is carried by many hands. The museum holds a special place in the hearts of many in The Netherlands and abroad. We are proud to count Dutch Prime Minsiter Mark Rutte among our supporters.
Your support and involvement is a great help. For Jean-Paul de Vries and his museum in the first place, but also for the Friends of Romagne Foundation, which supports Jean-Paul with advice and financial assistance. Therefore our newsletter is signed by Jean-Paul and the Friends of Romagne Foundation.
You have noticed that Romagne 14-18 website has undergone a facelift. The result, we think, is promising. We hope this new site will serve as a digital meetingplace full of news, columns, blogs, videos, and interviews. Our aim is to upload contributions on a weekly basis. The Romagne 14-18 website (and in it’s wake the site of the Friends of Romagne Foundation) will be our center of information, learning, deepening and entertainment.
Weekly contributions
What do we have in store for you? Romagne than and now. Photographer Marco Magielse (known for his books The Secrets of Romagne, War Relics, The Road to Romagne) compares Romagne during The Great War with today’s Romagne in images and words. In 101 Reasons to go to Romagne Marco Magielse dives deep into his extensive photo archive and guides us through Romagne and the surrounding areas. Interviews with First World War experts and enthousiasts. Columns by visitors and Romagne devotees.
Last but not least, there is Jean-Paul’s own virtual tour in his museum. In “the Chest of Romagne”, Jean-Paul will show extraordinary items from his museum collection, enriched by his own, unique commentary. His digital equipment could be acquired thanks to a generous donation from the fund ‘De Waterlander’.
Jean-Paul as a virtual guide! It is in line with his well advanced plans to be able to continue reaching schoolchildren via the internet. The Covid-19 crises has caused lots of trouble. The forced closure of the museum has not only caused serious financial problems. It also meant that Jean-Paul could not do what his heart desires the most: passing the story of the Great War to schoolchildren. In the course of February, Jean-Paul hopes to start with his online lectures. The ‘experimental phase’ is in full swing. With every reason: numerous applications are coming in.
Jean-Paul’s online lecture centre in Museum Romagne. His firm answer to the severe Covid restrictions.
ROMAGNE 14-18: A MUSEUM that belongs to all of us
‘Our museum’ we said at the beginning of this newsletter. This also means that we are happy to appeal to you with regard to the content of our website. Do you have ideas about the museum, stories you want to share with us, special photo’s, whatever: do not hesitate and let us know via this e-mail address Your contributions are more than welcome.
Accomodation IN ROMAGNE
The coming year will be a challenging one. The museum hopes to reopen as soon as possible. In order to welcome you for a longer stay, Jean-Paul is busy offering a new service: to spend the night next to the museum. Jean-Paul has moved to the nearby Cunel. His former house can now be converted into a ‘gite’, a Bed and Breakfast, offering an overnight stay plus breakfast. The renovations are in full swing to accommodate 8 people. A wonderful prospect!
The board of the Friends of Romagne Foundation will continue to support Jean-Paul and his museum. The board has slightly changed.
Bob Latten has stepped down as chairman after 5 years of loyal service. We have expressed out gratitude on the website of the Foundation.
We welcome Rob Leenheer as our new chairman. We also welcome new board member Arnoud Boorsma.
We are pleased to add WWI expert Paul Moeijes to our Committee of Recommendation.
We are facing a new year in which a lot is about to happen. A new year with major challenges. The shadow of Covid with all it’s restrictions still hangs over the museum. But there is hope. Let us look forward to meet each other again in Romagne. In the meantime let this website be our meeting place.
With warm regards
Jean-Paul de Vries
Friends of Romagne Foundation
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